Good afternoon caregivers of Arnold H. McLeod School,

This is the weekly voicemail message for Friday January 26th:

French Immersion registration forms were sent home last week to students in Kindergarten and Grade 5. They are due back by Jan 31st. We encourage families to return sooner, if possible. If you have questions about your child’s placement, please e-mail your homeroom teacher.

Some students have asked about sports programs in the community. There is a free sports program for grade 4-8 students in the Moncton area. You can check it out on their Facebook page: Community Sports Program or the website: Home – Community Sports Program

Grade 5 English classes will be doing a switch at the end of the week. 5 Ramsay will switch to the Intensive French half of the year with Mrs. Gillingham as their teacher. 5 Gillingham will switch to the English portion of their year and go to Mrs. Ramsay. The change can be a challenge for some but it’s an excellent transition to prepare Grade 5’s for middle school.

Great news! 😊 AHM is getting a new gymnasium floor. It is supposed to be installed by March 1st, but no other information is available at this time. It will mean all PE classes will be outside or in classrooms. Any parent evening meetings, rentals, and Pre -K Welcome to Kindergarten events will have to be after March Break. The gymnasium is our only free space for meetings.

Next week our outdoor PE classes will be doing some sledding and snow scootering if we get a bit of snow. Students are encouraged to bring in helmets during these P.E. classes.

AHM students have now completed their January Service Project of Valentines for Vets. February will see students participating in a service project titled Thank you to First Responders.

That’s all for this week.  Thanks for listening and have a good weekend.



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