Good afternoon caregivers of Arnold H. McLeod School,

This is the weekly voicemail message for Friday February 2nd:

Please send students with snow pants, hats, and mittens, yes, even in Grade 5.  Our Phys Ed classes are often held outdoors, and sledding is often the activity.  Before the end of March, we will be having a new gym floor installed so most Phys Ed classes will be outdoors.  Each class has 4 classes each week.

Just a reminder that our cafeteria menu is posted on the AHM website under the documents tab. Orders must be completed online and the daily cut off time is 8 am.

Thank you to our wonderful breakfast program and hot lunch volunteers. We truly appreciate your support.

If you are interested in joining our Home and School Association or the Parent School Support Committee (PSSC), please contact Mrs. MacNeill at  . She will coordinate and share information with you.

For those students who wish to bring Valentines to school for their classmates, we cannot provide full class lists to parents due to privacy laws but a list with first names can be requested from your child’s teacher. If you feel the need to provide a treat for the class, please remember to follow the nutritional policy by providing fruit, veggies or cheese and crackers.  Alternatively, stickers, pencils or erasers are also a great option.

That’s all for this week.  Have a wonderful weekend.


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