Message from the Principal

Parents often tell me I don’t brag enough about all the great things we do on a regular basis at AHM.

Here are a few things I’m so proud of A-Z:

Assemblies each month
reakfast Club and Blessings in a Bag Program
elebrations monthly for positive student behavior
edicated Staff with high expectations
nrichment and Intervention for students
ill the Bus Food Drive Campaign’s Success at AHM
uided Reading, Writing and Math Table in every room
ome and School Support
n Motion school events
Jungle Gym and PE safety guidelines in gymnasium
indness, appreciation and gratitude of students
EARN expectations and student understanding
Multi Age Mornings
Night of the Arts and Holiday Concerts
Optimized learning time
Projectors, Front Row Systems and ELMO’s in every room
Quiet Corners and Calm- Down Sensory Bins
Regular fire drill and safety evacuation practices
SPARK spin bikes in every classroom
Transitions to School and Pre -Kindergarten Events
Updates posted on AHM website on a regular basis
Variety of learning experiences
Writing and Art bulletin boards
Xcellent parent and community involvement
Youth dedicated to clubs, activities and sports
Zones of regulation implemented

Yours in Education,

Mrs. Angela MacNeill