Arnold H. McLeod PSSC
Meeting Minutes
Date: November 25th, 6:30-7:30
Time: 6:30pm
Attendance: Sheila Johnston, Dominic Vautour, Becky Toogood, Marisa Jeffrey, Lydia Hawkins, Byron Rayne, Tricia Smith, Lisa Bryenton.
Next Meetings: January 13th, February 24th, April 7th, May 26th (all at 6:30pm)
New Business
- Elections of Chair and Meeting Recorder
- Becky Toogood Elected as Chair
- Marisa Jeffrey volunteered to be Meeting Recorder
- Declaration forms (signed by all members)
PSSC Handbook (paper copy given to all members)
- The handbook is new this year and will be updated yearly.
- Reviewed the limitations on PSSC (page 6)
- Do not provide supervision of principals/staff
- Talk about school as a whole, not specific students, day-to-day situations
- Fundraising discussion is for Home and School Association
- PSSC looks at evaluation results and school improvement plans
- Reviewed the PSSC Budget (page 10)
- Budget ($391) must be spent by March 31.
- See limits on what money can be spent on page 10
- Ideas for what to spend budget on …
- Meeting refreshments
- Lydia Hawkins suggested helping April Thompson with a Cafeteria initiative (class with the cleanest trays)
- New set of basketballs
- Reviewed the limitations on PSSC (page 6)
School Improvement Plan Review
- ASDE goals
- All students at grade level for literacy and math
- All staff feel safe
- All students graduate
- AHM goals
- Literacy
- Students achieving level 3 or greater will increase by 10% between term 1 and 3
- Discussion of new literacy approaches (UFLI and Science of Reading)
- Numeracy
- Students achieving level 3 or greater will increase by 10% between term 1 and 3
- Discussion on Grade 5 Provincial Math Assessment Results (44%)
- Discrepancy between assessment and what is taught in the classroom.
- Questioned whether there was a drop in assessment scores when assessment began to be done on iPad.
- Discussion on Math Flex
- Some students are part of the “low” math group for grades 3-5; are they being exposed to all math concepts?
- Math Flex allows for enrichment
- Math Flex is in the afternoon for grades 3-5, not the best time for math learning.
- Efforts to keep all teachers on the same page for grades on report card assessments
- Safe and Caring
- 75% of students grade 3-5 involved in at least 1 extra curricular
- 90% of students use strategies to self-regulate/problem solve in conflicts
- Graduation
- Chronic absenteeism will decrease by 10%
- Parents attending Pre-K events will go up by 10%
- Discussion on how to best communicate Pre-K events with parents
- Email invite
- Sharing information on AHM Facebook page and Home and School Page (Trina Bland)
- Discussion on how to best communicate Pre-K events with parents
- Literacy
Lunch subsidy program update
- Last year the school was part of $100 000 pilot project.
- This year, they are matching our $50 000 contribution.
- Questions regarding whether new government will cover the cost of lunch subsidy program.
- Discussion on whether we can allow for donations on Nutri slice app.
School News
- Increasing enrolment
- 413 students and rising
- New schools billed for 2027 start date in Dieppe, Shediac and Salisbury
- 2 new classroom portables, 1 new washroom portable
- Classroom portables were completed in early September
- Bathroom portable are experiencing difficulties, yet to be completed
Fall Semester overview
- Brand new ESS team
- New Principal, Acting Vice-Principal and Resource Team
- 1 Behaviour mentor, but pushing for a second
From the floor
- Option for zoom for next meeting to boost attendance
- Let Dominic know if we want Superintendent, Mr McLean to attend a meeting
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