Good morning caregivers of Arnold H. McLeod School,

Updates for the week of September 16th:

Thank you to everyone who took the time to come to our Meet the Teacher event last week.  It was wonderful to welcome families and for you to get a chance to meet and greet your child’s teacher. 

Please check your child’s backpack for a Becca Told Me To sheet.  As our service project for the month of September, we are encouraging our students to complete a good deed for someone and then record it on the sheet.  All of the sheets that are returned to the school will go in a special display in our hallways.

We would kindly ask all caregivers who wish to walk their students to the playground to use the sidewalk and crosswalk near the Kindergarten playground.  Please park on Story Road East.  There are many staff trying to park and busses exiting the driveway. There is no parent parking on school property during school hours.

Our Lockdown Practice with the RCMP is happening tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17th. Teachers have reviewed and practiced the appropriate protocols with students. 

This week, students learned all about Terry Fox to gear up for our Terry Fox Walk which will take place Thursday, September 19th. Students can purchase tickets for $1.00 each for a chance to win a Terry Fox t-shirt. All money raised goes to the Terry Fox Foundation. The draw will be on the day of our walk.   If students would prefer to buy a shirt, they may do so.  Order forms went home last week and are due back by Friday September 27th. You can check out this year’s t-shirt design online at

There are no Professional Learning days this month and therefore students will have school everyday except for September 30th which is the national day Truth and Reconciliation Day. 

Just a reminder that Monday September 23rd is PICTURE DAY for students! 

We will be honoring the national day for Truth and Reconciliation on Friday, September 27th by wearing orange.

That’s all for this week.  Have a great day! 



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