Good afternoon caregivers of Arnold H. McLeod School,

This is the weekly message for Friday March 1st:

Please note that next week is March Break for all students.  School will resume on Monday March 11th.

Throughout the year, we complete service projects to better our community.  This month’s project is to build a granola bar domino run. Please help us support the Food Depot Alimentaire by sending in full boxes of granola or cereal bars for this great cause.  We request only normal size boxes as the family size or larger size don’t work well in the run. Your donations need to be into the school by Friday March 22nd. The event is on Wednesday March 27th.  This is the fourth year for this fundraiser. 

Each month at AHM, along with a service project, our students focus on one of the five Learning Habits featured on the report cards.  So far in 2024, we have worked on Interactions and Independence.  This week the students were introduced to the Learning Habit of Initiative.  Ask them about it!

Today at AHM we participated in The Big Crunch.  At 11 am all staff and students had a big crunchy apple. In fact, the Big Crunch could be heard all around the district. Thank you to Anglophone East, Food Share, the Coalition for Healthy School Food and the Food Depot Alimentaire for making this event possible.  Promoting healthy food in schools is always a priority.

That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading.  Have a great March Break!


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