Good afternoon caregivers of Arnold H. McLeod School,

This is the weekly voicemail message for Friday February 16th:

We are feeling the love!  A heartfelt thank you to the AHM Home and School for all of the lovely treats and gifts this past week.  And a special thank you to the individual parents who make the effort to make us feel special. We are incredibly thankful and grateful.

Blue profile sheets were sent home this week.  Please update the information contained on the sheet as it is necessary for us to be able to contact you.

The last week before March Break students will be participating in Winter Carnival theme days.  There will be lots of fun and different themes each day.  Stay tuned for the handout that will be sent home early next week with the details.

Please note that there will be no school on Monday February 19th due to the New Brunswick Family Day holiday.

In the Fall of 2024, AHM will be getting 2 more portables and a modular set of 6 individual washrooms. The project is slated to begin in July 2024.

On Wednesday February 21st, AHM will celebrate Pink Shirt Day. We encourage everyone to wear pink to show your support for anti-bullying awareness.

AHM continues to celebrate and learn about Black History Month.  Ask your child to share with you something they have learned. The first few weeks we are learning about black inventors and how our LEARN expectations are relatable to all things.

The 2022-2023 yearbooks have arrived and have been sent home on Thursday and Friday of this week. The students who moved on to Lewisville Middle had their books delivered to the office at LMS on Friday as well.

That’s all for this week.  Have a great weekend.


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