School News

Good evening caregivers of Arnold H. McLeod School, This is the weekly message for Sunday, March 23rd: Parent-Teacher Interviews or Student-Led Conferences will be held after school on Thursday, March 27th until 6:00pm and again on Friday, March 28th in the morning. Therefore, there will be no school for students on Friday, March 28th.  Please keep an eye out for communication from your child’s teacher about these important meetings. Our scholastic book fair is being held Tuesday, March 25-Thursday, March 27th. We invite you to share in this celebration of reading! A flyer previewing just some of the books will be sent home Friday, March 21st. Students will be visiting the fair and able to purchase books with their teacher on one of these days.  There will also be a Friends and Family event during Parent/Teacher interviews Thursday, March 27th from 2:45-6:00. Please note that there is no online component for […]
Good morning caregivers of Arnold H. McLeod School, This is the weekly message for March 17th: A reminder that our next pre-Kindergarten event is happening this Wednesday, March 19th from 3:45-5:00 pm.  We will begin in the gym and then children will be divided into 3 or 4 groups. At this time, we have approximately 60 students registered to begin in kindergarten in the fall. Please note that there will be no school on Friday, March 28th due to parent-teacher interviews and professional learning. Our Service Project for the month of March will be to create a granola bar domino run. Please help us support the Food Depot Alimentaire by sending in full boxes of granola or cereal bars for this great cause.  We request only normal size boxes as the family size or larger size don’t work well in the run. Your donations need to be into the school by […]
Good afternoon caregivers of Arnold H. McLeod School, This is the weekly message for Friday February 28th: March Break – Please note that next week is March Break for all students.  School will resume on Monday March 10th. Reminder of Morning Kiss n Drop and drop-off procedures – The school driveway and parking lot have safety markings to make walking as safe as possible.  Unfortunately, these areas are for staff parking only, as it is such a limited space. Parents are asked to park along Storey Rd East or side streets to allow staff access to parking spaces for the day. Cars must go in one direction only.  Please obey signs to ensure the safety of our students.  Parents who are driving their children to and from school are requested to enter the driveway on the top end of Storey Road East.  You must stop momentarily to let your child […]
8:00-8:25 amSupervised outdoor recess on playground
8:25 - 8:35 amBreakfast Club
8:25 - 8:40 amHomeroom
8:40 - 12:00 pmMorning classes
9:40 - 9:55 amK-5 Recess
12:00 - 12:20 pmK-2 Lunch & 3-5 Recess
12:20 - 12:45 pmK-2 Recess & 3-5 Lunch
12:45 - 2:45 pmAfternoon classes
2:45 pmDismissal